Updating travelport Smartpoint
There are several options to update Travelport Smartpoint. Please confirm the options available for your agency with your Smartpoint Administrator.
You can update Travelport Smartpoint by:
Checking for updates using the Automatic Update Options feature.
Receiving automated alerts.
Updating from through integrated Travelport Marketplace.
Updating directly from Travelport Marketplace.
Updating through Travelport regional portals, or through servers or portals managed directly by your agency. Your Travelport Smartpoint Administrator will need to provide customized instructions.
Note: Each of these update options requires administrative rights to your computer.
More Information About Administrative Rights
To install the Travelport Smartpoint product, you must be signed on with administrative rights to your computer. Depending on an agency’s computer and network setups, agents may or may not sign on to their computer with administrator access.
These administrative rights refer to your level of access to files or tasks on your computer (PC) and in your Microsoft Windows operating system. In this context, administrative rights do NOT refer to your sign on level to Travelport+ (1G), Apollo (1V), or Travelport Marketplace.
Please contact your agency’s Travelport Smartpoint Administrator or technical support for assistance.
Please note that this requirement applies specifically to the main Travelport Smartpoint installation. Plug-ins from Travelport Marketplace or custom plug-in that are not reviewed by Travelport may or may not require administrative rights to download and install.
There are also several types of installation files and corresponding installation guides. See Installation Options and Installation Guides for more information about these options.